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CBB Asia Family Office Services main purpose is to preserve the wealth of our Family Office wealthy clients for future their generations. We target rich Asian's families that need second EU Residency or EU Business Hub in Europe. We provide our clients a simple legal and affordable residency option in the European Community (EU) country, also as their Plan B.

Our Family Office allows Asian's businessmen to get better freedom of traveling in the world. It allows them direct access to whole worldwide markets, doing more businesses and take opportunities for cooperation, by merging and acquisition (M&A) deals.

Europe provides its residencies plenty of advantages as: high quality studying, free healthcare system, high standard of living, reliable banking system with lots of business possibilities.

Our Family Office services provide by our agencies in China, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.





  • Our Familiy Office first step services is to provide our clients the freely traveling ability in the entire world. Getting second EU passports takes only 8 months period. The program that allows getting second EU passports might not be available for long time.

  • Our second task is to let our clients to deposit their free cash in off-shore legal and reliable bank's accounts, in a way that those sources will be available for them at any emergency case.

  • Our third step is to create those families some cash flow generators by getting into new investments. Either thru new operational join venture business, real estate properties or by different financial assets. 

  • Living in EU means free Healthcare system and free Studying         in the public excellence system. 

Cyprus EU Citizen

Cyprus Developers


For the families who look to find their luck in another location by immigration, we offer a smooth process for getting an EU Permanent Residency for the whole family within two month period!!!

We already made for you the research in order to offer yours family the best immigration plan provided by the Republic of Cyprus .

This plan includes a legal opening of an EU bank account.

The family needs just to buy a house and build a credit by deposit a fix amount in the central bank - for three years. Besides that, no donations and no exams are needed.

The EU law is allowing a resident of one EU member to become a resident of any other EU member in a smooth and simple procedure.

Furthermore, according to the EU law, a family that will leave as a resident in any EU country for 7 years is allowed to apply for citizenship by a simple process and without a payment.

Greece Resident

Cyprus Resident

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